How to Set an Easy and Efficient Back-to-School Routine

It’s that time of year once more! As the new school year approaches, you might find yourself starting to feel a bit overwhelmed. Transitioning back into the school routine after a relaxing summer break can be a challenge. That’s why it’s crucial to establish a plan well before the school bells ring.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the steps to create a simple yet effective back-to-school routine that will simplify your life. Implementing a routine will ensure that nothing gets overlooked, and your child is fully prepared for the upcoming school year.

Why is a back-to-school routine important?

It’s that time of year once more! As the new school year approaches, you might find yourself starting to feel a bit overwhelmed. Transitioning back into the school routine after a relaxing summer break can be a challenge. That’s why it’s crucial to establish a plan well before the school bells ring.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the steps to create a simple yet effective back-to-school routine that will simplify your life. Implementing a routine will ensure that nothing gets overlooked, and your child is fully prepared for the upcoming school year.

Moreover, having a well-defined routine benefits you, the parent, as well. Knowing the flow of a typical day allows you to efficiently plan for upcoming school events, doctor appointments, and other engagements.

By implementing a straightforward back-to-school routine, you can assist your family members, regardless of their age, in maintaining focus and composure.


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How to Set a Back-to-School Routine

If you can, I’d recommend setting your back-to-school schedule before the school year starts. It makes it easier to stick to the new routine or schedule if the routine starts at the same time school starts.

If you wait to start the routine until a few weeks into the school year, it can be harder to get into the swing of things.

Here are a few ideas for how to set a back-to-school routine.

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Morning Routine

Get Ready for School

When establishing morning routines and preparing for school, it is crucial to allocate sufficient time for both yourself and your child. A rushed morning can set an unfavorable tone for the entire day and hinder a child’s ability to concentrate in school. Therefore, it is beneficial to mentally calculate the time required for your children to get ready in the morning and ensure that everyone wakes up with adequate time allowance.

Depending on the age of your children, consider having a visual ‘morning routine’ checklist displayed in the bathroom. This checklist can include tasks such as brushing teeth, combing hair, and washing the face. Meanwhile, you can begin preparing breakfast while your children independently complete their morning tasks.

Keep on Schedule

Ensure you have a visible clock accessible to your children, allowing them to easily gauge the current time. This aids them in managing their tasks effectively.

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Make sure they know the expectations for the morning routine (like they need to have finished breakfast by 7:15, be dressed by 7:30, out the front door by 7:40, etc.)

Clarify the morning routine expectations, such as completing breakfast by 7:15, getting dressed by 7:30, and leaving the house by 7:40. This eliminates the need for constant time reminders.

Keep in mind that some days may require more time, especially if new habits are being introduced. Unforeseen events can occur, so it’s advisable to incorporate some extra time into your schedule. This precaution helps mitigate frustration and stress in case of delays.

Have a Family Command Center

Establish a daily schedule or routine and display it prominently in a communal area, such as the kitchen or refrigerator, ensuring that it encompasses everything from morning wake-up times to bedtime. It’s vital for the entire family to be well-acquainted with the routine and understand their roles and expectations.

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Furthermore, it’s crucial for both parents or guardians to have a clear understanding of their responsibilities. Who will be responsible for taking the children to school? Is this a consistent arrangement or does it vary from week to week? Any changes in these arrangements should be promptly noted on the family calendar. The goal is to iron out any logistical issues well in advance, rather than frantically trying to resolve them while rushing out the door.

After School Routine

Clean Out Their Backpack

Once your kids get home from school, have them empty out their backpacks. Clean out lunchboxes, throw out any papers they no longer need, and sign any permission slips.

This is also a good time for a little afternoon snack. I think a quick snack after school before they start homework can be a great way to give your children the boost of energy they’ll need for the rest of the day.

Start On Homework

After a quick snack, ensure that your children begin their homework. If you have a designated homework station in your home, encourage them to work there. Alternatively, if they have desks in their bedroom, that can also be a suitable option.

If you prefer to be nearby in case they have questions, you can have them complete worksheets and projects at the kitchen table.

I recommend organizing a dedicated space, such as a junk drawer or a designated homework cart, to keep all the supplies they need for their homework. This way, your children won’t have to search all over the house for their materials

Discover what works best for your children and their ability to concentrate, and stick to those routines. Make sure to establish consistent expectations, such as completing all their schoolwork before allowing them to have screen time or engage in play.

Free Time

After schoolwork is done and before dinner, I think it’s a great idea to make sure your kids have some time to play and have fun. They are still kids after all!

It’s also a great incentive for them to focus when doing schoolwork since they’ll know they get some time to play and relax.

Evening Routine

In the evening, it’s time to get ready for the next day. The morning can be hectic, so I like to get as much done in the evening as possible to make mornings easier.

Set Out Clothes

Have your kids pick out school clothes the night before! This will help them be more independent and give you one less thing to worry about in the morning.

Make Sure Their Backpack Is Ready

Pack backpacks with everything your kids will need for the next day: school supplies, schoolwork, permission slips, etc. This way they’re not scrambling to find things in the morning.

Have them set their bags right next to the door and then they can just grab their backpack and go in the mornings.

Make Tomorrow’s Lunch

I also like to have my kids make their lunch as part of their evening routine. (If your children are young, you’ll probably have to do this, but as they get older, you can have them help more and more!)

In the evening before bed, have your kids make a sandwich, put some snacks in their lunchbox, and pack up their water bottle or thermos. That way, all you have to do is grab the lunch box from the refrigerator in the morning on your way out the door.


Sleep Schedule

To ensure your child gets sufficient sleep, establish a bedtime routine tailored to your family’s needs. Ensure that all evening activities conclude with ample time for them to go to bed at a reasonable hour.

Begin implementing a bedtime routine several weeks before the school term commences to allow your child’s sleep patterns to align with the upcoming schedule. It’s also important for parents to consider adjusting their own sleep routines if they will be assisting their children in getting ready for school in the morning. Keep this in mind as you prepare for the new school routine.

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Other Tips

Here are a few other tips that can help you as you set those routines!

Have a designated area for school things.

It’s a good idea to have an area in your house designated for school things. This can be a backpack hook by the door, a spot at the kitchen table, or even just a bin in their room. This will help them know where things are and make it easier for you to find things when you need them.

Design your schedule around your child’s needs.

If your routine isn’t going perfectly well after a week or two, don’t stress about it! It takes time for the house to settle into the new life tasks. Give yourself time and let your family adjust.

If it’s really not working, then make some corrections or adjustments to your routine. Make sure you’re planning it around your child’s needs.

For example, if your child takes a long time eating breakfast or getting dressed, create some more time in the routine for them to prepare for the day. Cut down in other areas as you can, or just wake them up a little earlier.

Get the entire family involved in setting up routines.

Ask your kids what they think needs to be a part of their own routine. Consulting your kids as you plan family routines can help them feel more ownership and responsibility for following through with the plan.

Enjoy the new school year!

The first day can be stressful, but if you create a routine ahead of time, you can be excited instead of overwhelmed. Begin your routine a week or so before they start so your child knows what is expected of them each morning, and don’t be too hard on yourself or your family through the transition.

Also, don’t forget about yourself! As you’re creating routines for your kids, make sure to factor in some time for yourself. Whether it’s a few minutes in the morning to enjoy your breakfast in peace or a few minutes at night after a long day when everyone else is sleeping, create some time in your day that is just for you.

Good luck and enjoy the new school year!

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