How to Create the Ultimate Hangout Room for Your Teen

If you’re reading this, chances are you have a teenager and you’re looking for ideas on how to make their room more fun and give them a space that they can call their own. A teenage hangout room is a perfect solution! This is a space where your teen can hang out with friends, relax after a long day at school, and just be themselves. This is especially important during those challenging teenage years!

teen hangout room essentials

In this post, we’re going to focus on how to create the ultimate teen hangout room. We’ll discuss different ideas for furniture, decor, and accessories. We’ll also provide product recommendations so you can get everything you need to make your teenager’s room perfect! So get ready to create some memories!

teen hangout room in a small space

Teen Hangout Room Ideas

Your teenager deserves a space that is all their own. Growing up can be hard – after all, they are trying to figure out who they are, what they are good at, what hobbies they like, and what they want to do when they become an adult!

Not to mention, most teenagers like hanging out with their friends or having a space to enjoy their hobbies. One of the best ways to give your teenager some freedom and space is to create a teen hangout room where they can be with friends or just by themselves!

This was the blueprint for our room. It was helpful to put in exact product dimensions to see what items would fit.

When we started this project, we knew we wanted to fit A LOT of different elements into a small space so we used this floor plan creator that literally saved us SO much time and money. We couldn’t have done it without this site.

Here are some of my favorite teen hangout room ideas.


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One of the most important parts of any room is the furniture, and that’s certainly the case in a teen hangout room! Choose furniture that is the right size for your teen and their friends, such as a couch or bean bag chair, or a hammock or other hanging chair. You could also consider adding a futon or daybed for when people spend the night.

glass coffee table with poufs for extra seating in a teen hangout space

Get nice seating options that can accommodate several people. You can also add some fun seating options like hanging chairs or hammocks. If there is enough space in their room, add a small couch!


Depending on how large your teen’s room is, you can add this table behind the couch. The table can either serve as a separator in the room, to separate the sleeping space from the hangout side, or if the couch is up against the wall, it can be set between the wall and the church to be used as a place to put snacks or drinks.

I think this coffee table is so cool, but make sure your teen is responsible enough to keep it clean as the glass can easily show fingerprints, dust, and hair. It’s really durable, but if you have rowdy teenagers at your house a lot, you might want to opt for wood.


You can also store these stools behind the couch or in a corner to use as extra seating when needed. Get little cushions or pillows to set on the stools if you want them to be a little more comfortable!

This leather pouf is absolutely darling. Getting a leather pouf like that one or another kind of footstool or ottoman can make lounging more comfy and make the room feel cozier.


You’ll probably also need a cabinet either to put a TV or gaming console on top of or just for storage for board games and other items. This media cabinet is super pretty and classy and can help your teen feel a little more like adults.

I purchased two of these media cabinets and put them together.

I also suggest getting a rug to make your teen’s room feel cozy. This one is beautiful but there are tons of other options out there if you want something smaller, a different color, or less expensive! You can also add pops of their favorite color in their furniture, like an orange rug or couches that are brighter to reflect their taste.


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Teen Style and Decor

Another big part of creating a teen hangout room is to add decor! This is when you can really let your teen’s personal style shine through. Make sure they are involved in the process and helping you pick things out because you want their room to really feel like them!

Some ideas for decor include string lights, posters or artwork, and a plant or two. String lights are great for adding ambiance to a room and can be hung over their bed or along the wall to create a cool lighting effect. Posters or artwork can also help add color and personality to the room and is something your teen will really appreciate. Lastly, plants are both aesthetically pleasing and help keep the air in your teen’s room fresh!

air jordan neon glass wall hanging
XL Glass print from Luxury Design Living

If you know any teenager, they’ll tell you that Air Jordans are a HUGE hit right now and they are extremely popular. Possibly more so than ever before. So it seemed fitting to incorporate a print from CanvasNeon. But I wanted it to still retain the cool factor, so I decided to have it printed on glass!

I found a company called Luxury Design Living that prints a huge variety of prints on glass and sent them the file to have it printed. The quality is stunning and it was extremely simple to hang the glass print on the wall with their included template.

Add lamps or trinkets to any side tables to add a personal touch. I also love neon signs like this one. It can really up the coolness factor in your teen’s room!

neon signs for a teen hangout space
I also added some color-changing lights to the back of the frames for a fun effect. The colors are customizable with the remote that it comes with!

Lighting is also an important part of decor. In addition to string lights, you can add this amazing floor lamp or a really cool light fixture like this one!

No matter what kind of decorations you get, make sure you consult your teen or make sure it’s something they’d like! Remember, you want their room to reflect their unique personality! Do they like to paint? Let them add their own mural to the walls! Let them explore their artistic side through this project.


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Make sure your teen has plenty of games and activities in their hangout room. You want to make sure they have lots of exciting things to do with friends so consider adding board games, card games, and puzzles.

I love this Zen Garden! The kids love to play in the sand and create while they are sitting around talking.

Here are some of my favorite games for teenagers:

  • Pop-a-Shot (though this one does take up a lot of room and can get a bit rowdy)
  • Foosball Table (another classic and this one is a 3-in-1)
  • Chess
  • Tic Tac Toe decor (this doubles as decorations and a fun game)
  • Sand art (this is more like decor but it’s so cool)
  • A zen garden (this is great to have out on the coffee table for kids to play with when they are just talking)


I have a house full of athletes so we wanted to incorporate some fun sports games into the teen hangout room so the kids have tons of other things to do besides video games. So we decided to get a Pop-A-Shot and my kids go absolutely crazy over it!

Their products are well built, they have a 12-month warranty (who does that anymore?!), they have amazing customer service, and it even folds up nicely out of the way when we need more space in the room.

I also love that they have single and double options so you can choose based on your space availability in the room.

Use the code PRACTICALPERFECTION at checkout for 15% off!


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Another great thing to consider adding to your teen’s room is to create a designated gaming area with a gaming console or a media area where they can watch TV. This will help create an area where your teen can spend time with friends, watch movies, and play video games.

You can even add a projector and screen so they can only watch movies in there or create some restrictions if you don’t want them to spend all their time playing video games or watching TV.

Of course, you definitely don’t need to spend a fortune to add a media center to their room, and if you don’t want your teens to be inundated with screen time, that’s totally okay! You can stick with other games or fun activities without adding a media area. Do what works for you and your house.

Another version of a media area is to fill that area with their favorite hobby! Make a little paint station or a reading nook! Get a bookshelf and comfy seating for reading. Try to emphasize your teen’s interests and hobbies so they have a place to grow and develop those skills.

Food and Snacks

Don’t forget the snacks! If there is one thing teens love, it is snacking, so make sure you have a variety of snacks on hand such as granola bars, chips, candy – you name it!

snack station for teen hangout space with a mini fridge

You might worry about going overboard with unhealthy snacks, but there are also plenty of healthy snacks to choose from as well, and teens are at an age where they can learn about moderation. Just make sure you have a variety of options so your teen can always find something they like.

This chip bag holder can make for a really cute snack display that is all ready for your teen to share with their hungry friends. I also love this food dispenser for things like nuts, candy, granola, and more. (And it comes in a pair!)


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Creating the Ultimate Teen Hangout Room

Creating a hangout space in your teen’s room is a great way for them to get creative and have a place for their friends to hang out. It should be comfy, stylish, and above all, fun!

teen hangout space ideas

Let your kid be the designer. Or, if this project is being done as a surprise, make sure their room pulls from and reflects their personality. You want this to be a place that brings inspiration and relaxation to their life. Don’t be afraid to take time to implement these teenage hangout room ideas – you can tweak things as you go along!

I hope these teen hangout room ideas will help as you create a bedroom for your teenager to feel like themselves. And I don’t know about your teenager, but I feel like when the teenager is happy, the whole family is happy!

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    1. I bought the frames from Ikea and added some wrapping paper for the design. Then I printed off the words on my computer. Super easy!

    1. I found the drawer sets on Facebook Marketplace and then I used and Ikea desktop for the top. It was nice because the drawers aren’t connected to each other so we could move them in or out to fit the size of the mini fridge. Hope that helps!

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