14 Genius Board Game Storage Hacks That You’ll Love

Board games and card games are a great way to bring friends and family together – especially if you have a designated family game night! There is nothing better than sitting down with your loved ones to play board games and have a good time!

What’s even more enjoyable is when you have easy access to all of your favorite board and card games without taking up too much space or damaging the pieces inside the box.

This blog post will give you some genius board game storage ideas so that they can be enjoyed by tons of people!

Need more ideas? Check these out: 5 Lego Storage Ideas Your Kids Will Love and Step by Step Playroom Organization

The Benefits of Having a Family Game Night

Creating a family game night can be an incredible way for your family to connect with one another. It can also be a great way for your kids to learn from their parents. There are many life lessons that can also be learned from playing games together as a family. Some of them include:

  • Learning how to take turns and share, which is important for social skills development.
  • Improves vocabulary and comprehension by having the opportunity to read game instructions or look at game pieces while playing.
  • Learning to count and add numbers.
  • Learning to think critically and come up with creative solutions and strategies in gameplay.
  • Allowing kids of different ages or interests to have the common ground they can all enjoy together!
  • Games are also great tools for teaching kids about teamwork! You’ll never have more fun than when you get together with others who share similar interests as yours.

Having a family game night also can improve social skills and relationships by meeting up over pizza on Friday night, or even just playing favorite board games by yourself during some downtime.

A big reason that people love board games so much is that it gives them an excuse not to have electronics around when they play with loved ones. It can also make family time more fun!

Plus, video games these days aren’t exactly innocent either; some studies suggest that too much screen time may lead children into depression in adulthood.

By giving up screens during board game night each week you’re doing something good for the health of yourself and your family members.

I love to use these organizers to organize board games and puzzles.

How do you minimize board game messes?

If your family loves to do a family game night, it can be easy to get overrun with games because you want to try so many of them! But there are a few different ways that you can minimize the space your board game boxes take up.

The first way is by using game bags or boxes. This is a great way to keep all of your games in one spot and not have them scattered across the floor!

The second thing that you can do is by owning only the number of games as there are adults in your home. This ensures that you are only keeping your very favorite board games that actually get played.

The third tip is to have a designated area for storing board games so they don’t get lost under furniture or shoved up against walls which will only make it more difficult to find them when it’s time for game night!

The fourth way to minimize board game clutter is to do a bi-annual declutter session of your games (or more if you have a large collection). If you’re feeling guilty about getting rid of them you could consider doing a neighborhood board game swap or donating them to a children’s hospital.

Declutter your Card Games and Board Games Before Organizing

The first thing you need to do when it comes to game organization is to declutter your board and card games. Decluttering your games is not just about throwing games away, it’s about getting rid of the ones you have that are broken or missing pieces.

If your game is missing a piece and there isn’t an available fix for this problem then consider trashing it.

You may also have some games that your family has grown out of or no longer enjoy playing. While it is difficult to get rid of games that you paid good money for, it helps if you think of someone who you know who would enjoy playing it. 

You can also donate them to a local library or charitable organization where they will be enjoyed by others who do not have the funds to purchase games themselves.

game and puzzle organization

Get Rid of the Game Box to Save Space in your Game Cupboard

One of the downfalls of board games is the amount of space that the boxes take up. When you open up a big game box, you’ll be surprised to see how much dead space is in the box, meaning that the actual game takes up very little space in the actual box.

So the second thing to do when it comes to game organization is to get rid of the boxes. Depending on the way you’ll be organizing your games, you may need to cut the cover off of the box to help you more easily recognize what game it is. You can easily cut off the game box cover using an Exacto knife.

It’s really difficult to organize games because the boxes can vary so much in size and shape. It’s rare that you get games that have matching sizes and shapes, making it nearly impossible to organize games to look beautiful. 

This problem is solved by getting rid of the board game box completely and using uniform storage containers.

4 Easy Ways to Organize Card Games that You’ll Love

Organizing card games can be tricky because of the size and shape of boxes. Storage containers are a great way to make them more uniform, allowing you to stack them on top of each other.

Card game containers come in all shapes and sizes but one thing that they usually have in common is that they rarely require a container much larger than a 4×6 photo box container.

Card Game and Board Game Organization Storage

There are lots of different options out there when it comes to card game storage containers, so take some time today to shop around online to find something you like.

Organize Card Games in Mesh Pouches

Pouches can be a really simple and easy way to organize card games. They are perfect for those who don’t have a lot of board game storage space. Pouches can be hung on hooks (like on a hanging closet organizer), stacked in shelving units, or even tucked away inside some other containers like game boxes or shoeboxes.

Card Game and Board Game Organization Storage

Pouches are also really easy to grab when you want to play something with friends and family members. If you are packing for a vacation, pouches are a great way to store games and they don’t take up too much space in the suitcase.

Card Game and Board Game Organization Storage

The best thing about card game storage pouches is that you can fit more games into less space. They also come in all sorts of different sizes. You can also stack several pouches into a container like a simple plastic bin to keep everything contained.

Shop Pouches for Card Games:

Organize Card Games in Standard 3-Ring Binders

Another way that you can organize cards is by using binders. You can purchase plastic sleeves that can hold multiple card games at a time.

You can organize the games according to the type of game, difficulty level, or age appropriateness. These would store really nicely if you have lots of bookshelves and you have the room for them.

Shop Binder Supplies:

Organize Card Games in Plastic Photo Boxes

Depending on how many card games you have will depend on how you decide to organize your card games. We have

How you decide to organize your card games will depend on how many you have.

We have TONS of card games in our family so I opted to use these awesome photo storage boxes that have 18 smaller boxes within the larger box. It’s perfect for traveling and very easy to keep track of everything. I am absolutely loving this storage solution.

I’ve organized my games many ways throughout the years but this has become my very favorite way to organize smaller games. It is super easy to keep organized and it stays looking nice.

It’s especially great when it comes to portability. We love playing games on vacation so it’s easy to just pick up the entire case and have all of our games with us when we need them. I’m a bit embarrassed to say that I actually have two of these full of games!

If your container has dividers within it then this will also help with organizing so there’s no need for rubber bands when storing cards inside the box because everything can be separated out into its own little compartment!

Shop Photo Boxes for Card Games:

Use Plastic Boxes to Organize Card Games

If you don’t have tons of card games but are looking for a uniform way to store and organize them, you can still find some awesome containers to help you do that!

Keeping your card games in plastic boxes will really help to prolong the life of your games. Because they are safely tucked away in a sturdy container, you won’t have to worry about any of them getting bent or damaged and the plastic will help to keep out moisture (which is a game destroyer).

You may need more than one container depending on how many games you own, especially if they come with different types of cards or small pieces or dice.

Shop Small Boxes for Card Games:

8 Simple and Easy Ways to Organize Board Games

Although board games can be a bit trickier than card games to organize, it’s not impossible. One of the best ways to keep all your board games organized is by having a box for each game keeping everything for each game together so pieces don’t get mixed up.

The key is to, again, organize your board games into uniform containers and get rid of the random-sized boxes that the games come in.

Sometimes you can even keep the actual game boards (from multiple games) in one pile and keep all of the pieces in the uniform boxes. This saves a lot of space.

Game Organization in a Cupboard

It really helps to designate a specific cupboard as your board game cupboard. That way, you’ll always know where to go to grab a game. You can label your cupboards or even create a sign to hang on the door of the “Board Game Cupboard.”

You should also figure out how many games you have and divide them up so they’re all in different sections of the game shelf. Group game boxes and containers by genre or type.

For example, I like to put my puzzle-based games near each other but keep strategy-based games separately (because they need more room).

Board Game Card Game Organization Storage Idea

Some people organize their board game boxes by color which can look really nice.

You can also label specific shelves so that it’s easier to keep track of where things are and where to put things away. This will really help your family know where to put the board games away so things stay neat and orderly.

Board Game Storage Ideas on Floating Wall Shelves

You can also use shelving for board game storage which will help you store all your favorite games neatly on the shelves but still have easy access to them when they are needed.

You could even hang these behind doors or inside closets with a hanging closet organizer so that it doesn’t interrupt any space you may already have in the room.

This is a great option if you want to keep the games out of reach of your kids, but still in reach for you.

Another option for game storage is using adjustable shelving units so all your board game collections can be stored together nicely without taking up too much space in a closet.

These are also perfect for storing original game boxes, or just about anything else you may need to store! They come with adjustable shelves which means there’s no worry over what size game box will fit best because it’ll work for any sized box out there!

Vertical Board Game Storage Ideas in a Closet

If you are storing your board games in a bedroom, you’ll typically have a clothes rod where you would typically hang clothes on. However, you can still use that space to store and organize board games by using a hanging shelf organizer.

These units come with hooks that you can hang game boards on. This is a convenient way to store board games because you don’t have to move all of the games to get to the games on the bottom of the stack.

Shop Hanging Shelf Organizers:

Under Bed Storage for Board Games

If you don’t have any spare shelves in your bedroom and need game storage solutions look no further than under-bed storage! Simply place boxes or other items underneath your bed and slide some board game boxes into them so they’re not taking up valuable floor space in the room.

If you want something more decorative, you can also use pull-out organizers designed specifically for under the bed.

Shop Under Bed Organizers:

Organize Board Games in Simple Plastic Drawers

A great way to organize games is to use plastic drawers. The great thing about using plastic drawers is that the drawers stack so nicely on top of one another while still allowing you to access the games at the bottom without having to take everything else out.

This works really well for odd-sized games with odd-sized pieces, too. When you’re ready to play a particular board game, just pull out the entire drawer and take it to the table! Super easy to clean up and maintain. This is one of the easiest board game storage ideas to implement.

Shop Plastic Drawers:

Organize Your Games as a part of the Room Decor

If you have a specific place in your home for playing board games, you can even add some of the board game pieces into the decor of the room. Displaying board games on the wall or even spending a bit of extra money on board games that come in stylish book-style designs can really add some extra class to your board game storage.

Not only do these stylish board games store perfectly in a uniform line, but you open them up and they are just like the traditional games that you are used to playing!

You can also choose to mount the game boards up on the wall as a part of the room decor. You may need to have a custom frame made depending on the size of the board, but this is an impactful way to add style to your game room and will help streamline your board game storage.

You can also use beautiful glass jars to store and decorate your game room. Fill the glass jars with game pieces such as Jenga, marbles, dice, and many others!

Use Stylish Boxes for Board Game Storage Decor

If you are running out of closet space you can also use stylish boxes to organize and store board games. This is great because it can double as a storage solution as well as decor!

There are tons of different places where you can buy stylish boxes, but you can also create them yourself with things like old shoe boxes or scrapbook paper.

You can even decorate the outside of your board game box and write what game is inside it! This will make finding games a breeze when you are looking for something on game night.

In addition, there are many different ways that card game storage can be organized as well such as using index cards in an accordion file folder or just stacking them up neatly together. Always use protective sleeves or bags to store game pieces. This will help you keep all of the pieces together.

Shop Stylish Board Game Storage Idea Boxes:

Organize Your Board Games on a Bookshelf

I hope these board game storage ideas have been helpful! In this section, we are going to talk about game organization on a bookshelf.

Game pieces such as cards and boards can often be quite bulky so it is important that they have their own space away from other objects like books. This will ensure your board games are in great condition for years to come while also saving room on your shelf.

Bookshelves are a great storage idea if you have lots of different games that you don’t have the closet space for. The game boxes are also easy to stack on top of each other and you can even store game pieces in a plastic container inside the game box.

If you are looking for original board game storage, you could consider storing your board games on this ‘tree bookshelf’! It has just enough style and doesn’t sacrifice function. It probably doesn’t hold as many board games as a typical bookshelf would, but it’s stylish and functional!

This is a great way to store your board game collection if you are looking to incorporate it into the style of the room and not just hide it away in a closet.

If you have a game room, storing your games on a bookshelf will also help elevate the ambiance of the room by using the games as also a part of the decor.

Keeping All Your Games Organized

I hope you’ve been able to be inspired by tons of different board game storage ideas.

Find a way to store your board games in your own style. Whether you find space on a shelving unit, add floating shelves to your game room, use a hanging closet organizer, or get a coffee table with drawers for smaller board game boxes, give your board game collection a home you love.

Board games are one of those items that can be very difficult to keep organized but creating a good system will help you take good care of your game so they don’t get damaged. That way you’ll be able to play your favorite game for years to come!

Do you have any other clever board game storage ideas? Let me know in the comments!

Looking for more ideas? Check out this awesome article from Apartment Therapy or The Spruce!

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